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Carbon Footprint Assessment 2020

Balance is the key


Carbon Footprint Assessment

Scope: Company
Methodology: ISO 14064-1/DEFRA Guidelines
Included in the assessment: Building energy, hire cars, flights, public transport and taxis.
Assessment Period: 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
Emissions Total: 17.19 tonnes CO2e
Assessment undertaken/assured by: Carbon Footprint Ltd

Carbon Offsetting

Emissions Offset: 116 tonnes CO2e
Project Title: UK Trees (33)*, Kenya Trees (35)*, and Uganda Borehole (48).
Project Reference: VCS 981, GS-1247
Project Standard: Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Gold Standard VER
*For every tree, a tonne of carbon will be offset using the ADPML Portal Para REDD, VCS 981 project

Carbon Footprint Verification for 2BScientific Ltd

I am delighted to present the results of your second successful carbon footprint verification. Carbon Footprint Ltd has reviewed the methodology used; the sources of your energy and fuel data; and the calculation for 2BScientific Ltd. 2B Scientific is situated in Upper Heyford, and distribute reagents across Europe.

2BScientific have an affinity for ecological and sustainable practices by donating to bee protection and hospital charities. 2BScientific’s employee number has increased from 14 to 20 employees at their site, which is split into a general office and packaging room.

How was the carbon footprint calculated?

2BScientific has used Carbon Footprint Ltd’s online carbon calculator on to calculate its carbon footprint for the period 1 st January 2020 to 31st December 2020. The calculation uses the 2020 emission factors developed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department for Business, Environment & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for reporting emissions.

The carbon footprint assessment includes:

  • Electricity consumption
  • Gas consumption
  • Hire car travel
  • Air travel
  • Taxi travel
  • Public Transport

A 5% materiality threshold has been used. This means that errors or estimations that are likely to be less than 5% of the total carbon footprint are not considered a material discrepancy. Any errors above the 5% threshold will require a re-calculation.

Data Source & Accuracy

Carbon Footprint Ltd has discussed the data sources with 2BScientific Ltd (see table below).

Element of FootprintData Source & CommentsData Accuracy
ElectricityCIBSE1 conversion factors used to estimate the emissions for both the General Office and Workspace, based on floor space.Estimated
GasCIBSE conversion factors used to estimate the emissions for both the General Office and Workspace, based on floor space.Estimated
Hire car travelNo hire cars usage due to Covid-19 - Provided by mileage log in the past.N/A
FlightsCompany travel logs, including cabin class, origin and destination and return flights.Excellent
Taxi travelPersonal usage logs recorded in miles.Excellent
Public transportNo public transport usage due to Covid-19 - Provided by personal usage logs in the past.N/A


Your total carbon footprint for the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020 is 17.19 tCO2e (see table and figure below for breakdown). This gives you an emissions per employee of 0.86 tCO2e (based on 20 employees) This has reduced from last year’s 1.12 tCO2e per employee (based on 14 employees).

The majority of emissions (69%) are associated with your company’s flights. The remaining emissions are mostly made up from gas, electricity and taxi travel. Hire cars and other public transport methods have not been used due to Covid-19 travel restrictions.

ScopeElement of Footprint2019 (tCO2e)2020 (tCO2e)% change on previous year
Scope 1Gas consumption3.182.79-12.3%
Scope 2 & 3Electricity consumption23.092.44-21.0%
Scope 3Flights5.9111.91101.5%
Hire car travel3.08-n/a
Rail and tube travel0.08-n/a
Coach and bus travel0.11-n/a
Taxi travel0.190.05-73.7%
Total emissions (tCO2e)15.6417.199.9%
Emissions per employee (tCO2e)1.120.86-23.2%

1 Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers.
2 Includes emissions from electricity generation (scope 2) and transmission & distribution (scope 3).


2BScientific has successfully calculated its carbon footprint for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020. 2BScientific Ltd has also offset 116 tonnes CO2e to account for the calculated emissions, as well as go above and beyond by offsetting nearly 7 times the calculated emissions, to provide additional benefits to the offsetting projects. I have provided 2BScientific with a 12-month licence to use the Carbon Footprint – CO2e Assessed, Neutral + and Reduced (Based on the emissions per employee KPI)’ logos, for use within its marketing materials.